Welcome to the HEC web page. It will certainly help you, in case you are looking for an engineering company. This window will guide you to a destiny where your satisfaction will gain momentum for devolving continued relationship with SE group of companies. it deals with engineering sector, power sector, service sector, agriculture sector, telecommunication sector, oil and gas sector and other process industries. It also served military and civil armed forces of the country but supplying request machinery and equipment (specialized product). SE also extends designing and project management consultancy services in addition to imparting on-the-job training to hundred and thousands individuals.
SE companies are your investment, come and join us in our efforts for import substitution, self-reliance, export of engineering goods and sharing in country’s gross domestic product growth. SE group of companies are determine to enhance every opportunity that comes in there way, with the short-term or long-term for industrial development, by joining hands with FDI’s and Chinese under CPEC project.
SE group of companies consists of comprising team of professionals, technicians, engineers, committed skilled and unskilled workers, and their contributions are reflected in the performance targets achieved by the companies during FY 2015-16.